Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Annnd just like that it's Christmas. This is my first Christmas without snow, and it's got me into a tiny Christmas funk.  Instead of snow there is rain, and unless Mother Nature decides to turn this little island into a snowglobe within the next twenty-four hours, we're all doomed!

Well, not really, but you get my point.  Sometimes we need to find happiness in what we've got and what we lack in snow, we make up for with glitter and some magic.

Okaaayy, maybe the glitter was a bit much, but you get my point.  Right??  And while Chachi patiently waits for Mr. Kris Kringle, I want thank you all for making this year as fabulous as it was.  

And if you're like me - falling into puddles instead of snow piles - make a glitter angel outside.  I promise you, you won't regret it.  Merry Christmas.  All of you.  I wish you nothing but happiness, love, and joy during this holiday season!