Thursday, March 31, 2016


I kissed him goodbye and quickly gulped down my last bit of coffee.  I was on my way to the first wedding of 2016 which I was second shooting with Adina.  Love you I yelled as shut the door and made my way to the car.  It's crazy how so much can change in a year.

This time last year I hadn't even shot a wedding.  Heck, I hadn't even photographed a paid session.  Now?  I have almost 20 weddings under my belt with even more coming my way throughout 2016.  Next week I'll be making my way back to Vancouver for my second time at Canada Photo Convention.  The first time I attended CPC was just short of a year ago and I remember crying in the bathroom during lunch - embarrassing but true - because I felt like I was way over my head thinking that I could pass off as a professional.  But the funny thing is, by the time I left, I finally realized I had found a place where I belonged.  Where I felt safe.

And the best part of all of this?  I've finally found someone to share all these new, exciting moments of my life with besides my cat.  I can't help but feel grateful for all that's happened throughout this past year and to those who have helped me along the way.  

I hope I can look back at this post 10 years from now and just remember how far I have come.  At what can be achieved with hard work and a lot of heart.

Friday, March 18, 2016


Hiiiiiiiiiiii!  How is it that March is already half over?!  Yesterday I was so confused as to why people were posting things about St. Patrick's Day until I realized that it was in fact March 17th.  I think I need to hire an assistant if I can't even keep track of my days any more!

Earlier this week, I made my daily visit to my friend's blog (creepy, I know - considering her last post was in November!) and I realized she had posted one of the weddings she let me join her on last summer.  I get a kick out of seeing my images spread amongst hers...she can give the images a completely different vibe, which is one of the many reasons I love her so much.  You can view Adina's post from Laura and Trevor's wedding day here.  

Next weekend Adina invited me to join her yet again for another wedding.  It will be our first wedding of the year together and I am so super pumped for it!  Bring on the boxing gloves and high heels cause I am so READY FOR THIS!  I reminded her the other day that somehow amidst our busy schedules, we managed to forget our friendaversary.  So in a way, this will be our celebration.

This leads me to the first instalment of Kisses and Disses...

This week's disses go to:
*Time.  Like why is this year going by sooo fast...slow down pls.
*BC Ferries.  Living on Vancouver Island, I've had my fair share of ferry rides and they are nothing short of the bane of my existence.  'Nuff said.
*Hang nails.  I banged my finger on a piece of metal the other day and a hang nail has seemed to tag along for the ride just to add to the pain.

This week's kisses go to:
*Friendaversaries.  Friends make life great, and keeping them a friend makes life even better.
*Daylight Savings.  Yeah, yeah...I get time jumped ahead an hour and that kind of sucks, but the days are so much longer now - I can already see big hats and fruity drinks on the beach in the distance.
*Dry shampoo.  I just don't know where I'd be without it besides a greasy-haired crazy women sitting in front of the computer in my pyjamas clutching onto my cat.  And let's be real, no one wants that.

Monday, March 14, 2016


It was a weekend of staying inside from all the rain.  We cuddled on the bed watching movies until our eyes closed and our minds drifted off to sleep.  It was a weekend of sleeping in, long conversations and lots of chocolate.  Sometimes when you're gone, it feels like it was all a dream until I can hold you in my arms once more.

I think weekends like this should happen more often.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


I have taken a break from my blog and social media for a few weeks now.  I had reached the peak of what my body could take and it shut down.  Just.Like.That.

I am a creature of habit, so when plans change, routines break and my body just can't handle  the pressure.  For lack of a better word, my body broke.  I had reached a low I hadn't felt before and just wanted to give up.  On everything.  Even photography.  The voices of doubt started to whisper and my self esteem plummeted and  I almost threw in the towel.  For good.

I called my boyfriend trying to hold back the tears and I told him of my doubts.  My fears.  And that I wanted to give up photography.  Babe, he said, don't give up on your dreams just because life isn't going the way you planned.  It's just a bump in the road and things will get better, I promise.  My tears stopped and my heart began to flutter, he was, you're really, REALLY good at it, so why would you give up?  And just like that, I knew what I wanted to do.  Just add it to the million other reasons why I love this man

The thing is, if you're passionate enough about something run for it, arms wide open, screaming at the top of your lungs.  And remember: it won't always be easy.  Chasing after your dreams is hard work, but eventually, if you run hard enough, you'll find a light at the end of the tunnel. 

And never look back.