Last week I left for a workshop in Vancouver hosted by the Canada Photo Convention, which was absolutely amazing to say the least. But I'm going to leave that for another blog post as, like I said, I have waaay too much to tell you all! I left for Vancouver last Monday night to stay with my dear friends, Bock and Ricardo. The night before I left, I asked them what the weather was like so I knew what to bring. All they said was to prepare for rain. But boy, oh boy, I didn't realize that when they said rain, they meant RAIN.
As I drove off the ferry into Vancouver, I noticed a few rain droplets dancing across my windshield, which was expected, and I rather quite enjoyed. Soon after, I noticed the sun falling behind the mountains and not long after, the rain came down with an angry vengeance. I think the proper term is: it was raining cats and dogs. This normally wouldn't bother me but the last few times I stayed with my friends, they've been house sitting, and it just so happened my GPS was out of commission and if you know me at all, you would know that I have a fear of being lost. I'm serious. And it is legit. Long story short, when I was very young, I got lost in a shopping mall. So now when I get lost, or think I am lost, I go into full blown panic attacks until I know what's up. My sisters think it's funny to trick me into it every now and again. I don't find it funny at all. My sisters on the other hand think it's hilarious. I eventually made it to my friends in one piece - surprisingly - and was finally able to kick up my heels and enjoy some much needed time with my friends.
That night, as we were getting ready for bed, we ended up staying up until 2 A.M talking about business. Can you say nerd alert. Brock and I were both the Valedictorians in our graduating year from high school if that gives you any insight into how cool we are. But it wasn't until halfway through our little chat when something clicked inside of me. I've always shied away from asking my friends for help or advice because I don't want them to feel like I am using them in anyway (something which stems from my childhood), but it wasn't until that moment I realized that they WANT to help. They don't see me as being annoying/demanding/pushy at all (weeellll, most of the time). All they see is a friend asking for help. A friend that they are willing to help however they can to see them succeed at something they love. And the more I thought about it the more I realized how truly wonderful each and every one of my friends truly is. You guys are da bomb. Seriously.
Your network of friends and the people you hold close to your heart are the ones who are willing to help you the most in hopes of seeing you succeed. Thank you to everyone who has helped me get to where I am today. Even if it was just a little nudge of encouragement, you have helped me more than you will know. And on days when I feel like giving up, I think of you all and it gives me the faith to keep going and to chase this silly dream of mine. And although the road may seem dark and scary (and rainy!!!) and I feel like I'm lost, I realize now all I have to do is ask for help, and somehow we will find our way through, together.