I didn't bring my camera for the trip, it's just too much to carry when I have a handy dandy iPhone already in my pocket. Here are a couple from our trip.
At the concert, it wasn't a completely filled stadium, so the section for the tickets my friend got way at the very back (for twenty dollars mind you) was closed and they moved us down a level just above the floor. SCORE. Except, I haven't been to many concerts in my day - an introvert thing - and I forgot how loud they are. My ears are still ringing. But on a plus side, while in Nanimo, I bought Go Set A Watchmen...a book I have been waiting for forever to come out and it's finally here! To Kill a Mockingbird is my all time favourite book, so when I heard they found the lost transcript to Harper Lee's first unpublished work I was giddy with excitement. She wrote this book before To Kill a Mockingbird and it was just never published. It tells the story of Scout some twenty years later returning back home from New York City. I can't wait to get my greedy little eyes all over this book!
Happy Sunday!