Friday, January 9, 2015


I've been reflecting a lot lately.  About my life, my dreams and where I want to be and what I need to do to get there.  The thing is, starting something new is scary.  There is the fear of the unknown, questioning if we are good enough, and not even knowing where to start.  

This past year I have made some big changes in my life and it's got me looking at my life in a whole new way.  I think it all hit me on my last birthday.  I became a women of five and twenty (sometimes I talk like Jane Austen because it makes me feel classier than I actually am ;)   I remember not being able to breathe as I clutched the calendar in my fists.  I was a quarter of a century and wasn't anywhere near where I thought I would be at 25! 

A few months ago now, I went for a walk with my friend, Alana.  It began with us just wanting to get out for some fresh air and enjoy the sun on such a glorious fall day.  But let me tell you something, that fresh air, it really gets to ya.  Our conversation quickly went from the simple what I did last weekend and silly stories about our cats (we're both crazy cat mothers) to a very deep conversation about our lives, our passions and our dreams.  It got me thinking about life in a completely new way.  I seen open doors which were once glued shut.  

I'm still trying to work my way through these issues.  Everyday is a constant battle with myself trying to quiet the voices of self doubt screaming in my mind.  As I'm trying to put this puzzle together, I've realized the only thing required of me is to simply show up.  Everyday.  Do the small things that put me closer to where I want to be and have faith that it will work out (because it always does) along with the hard work that makes dreams come to reality.

One day I hope to look back at this blog post as proof that anything is possible.  All you need is a dream
 and the passion it takes to get you there.

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