Tuesday, January 27, 2015


About a week ago, I stumbled upon a photographer's (one that I love and have been following since practically the beginning of her career) blog.  Her first blog.  The one she had before all her successes.  I didn't get much sleep that night.  I stayed up until two in the morning reading Every. Single. Post.  I laughed, I cried, and I cheered her on.  It was like I was brought back in time and re-lived all those experience with her.  Partially because I realized I am going through those exact emotions and experiences she was five years ago, right now.

Sometimes I feel like giving up.  That I'm not good enough.  That I just can't do it.  But then I stumble upon things like this and realize that it just takes time.  Everyone has to start somewhere, and just because they don't show it, doesn't mean it never happened.  I'm writing this for myself to remind the Julie of right now that everyone starts somewhere.  Just because I'm nowhere near where I would like to be right now, doesnt' mean that I will be in the same place five years from now.  This is a journey.  And as long as I keep pushing myself and trying harder each and everyday, the story of my life will slowly unfold and before I know it all my dreams will have come true.  Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

Stay Strong.

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