Friday, November 7, 2014


Where's the seatbelt?  We had just hopped into the car and it was completely black.  And cold, I might add.  Freezing actually.  I couldn't handle the silence...On the seat! I replied and immediately burst into a fit of laughter.  What??  I think I'm hilarious, okay.  Wait, no!  I take that back!  I AM HILARIOUS!  And I know it, and so does everyone else.  As much as they'd like to say otherwise.  Everyone laughed with me.  They're saying it was because I was laughing at my own joke, I say because they don't want to inflate my ego.  It can be quite the workout if you laugh too much.  They'd be regretting it the next day when the couldn't get out of bed.  #JustSayin

As you can see, I'm a big fan of scrunchies - in a side pony.  obvs.  Is there any other way?!  I also dig lipstick and big earrings.  It's classy and 90's at the same time.  I dig it.  Anyways..what was I saying?  Ahh yes, we were in the car.

We were going to Target to buy some discounted Halloween candy...can I get an amen?!  Nothing too eventful happened, I just want them, a.k.a my sisters, to stop worrying about my ego.  Inflate it as much as you can!  We need to burn off all this sweetly discounted Halloween candy.   

Happy Friday! xo

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